Sunday, 23 December 2007

its a fucking joke what

Bla bla bla, say whatever you want about having pride and what not but BLAST OFF! on is a fucking joke. Seriously. If its any indication of the state of music in Malaysia, Badawi should declare a state of emergency and have everyone in the music industry hanged. The whole show is just a mockery of everything, particularly the language English and everything that relates to it. Its like a competition to see who can speak the worst english in the most badly arranged songs.

Joe Flizzow is a tard, rocking shit he cant afford. wearing sunglasses indoors like he kanye and telling people to work on their 'flow' HAHA. might i direct your hearing to Too Phat's flow or rather lack of it. Joe Flizzow can suck me. Ashanti raps better than he does.


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