Wednesday 6 February 2008

koala koala

Im back, but without a vengeance just some good intentions. As most of you will have heard my little getaway is now over and i've returned refreshed. ready to take on a whole new phase of procrastination and laziness.

Why?! Why Zim did you do what you did? Well because occasionally i like to put other people before my conceited self. More with certain people than others but yeah the idea is there haha. Also because i finally had the means to. Yes ladies and gentleman, she means that much. Dont you wish your boyfriend was hot like me? haha

I realise that my blog has become quite docile. Docile because its not boring, just very very inactive. Perhaps like Vesuvius or maybe a Helens. Nah my blog is more Vesuvius than Vesuvius herself. And you are all my Pompeii. I will rain down on you with mighty verbal fireballs and great metaphorical eruptions!

Perhaps some pictures? Yes but of what? Maybe of all the shit that i have bought over the past months? But will that leave an imprint of my materialistic-ness on your opinion of me? Maybe ruin my self image for a little blogging interest? Or maybe i could just write an entire paragraph filled with questions? What do you think? Didnt realise that now did you? Now do you see why it is you who reads my blog and not me who reads yours?

Haha OK i will make a promise to take photos of the random shit that i got. Then all of you can marvel at my baller-ness haha. Or you can laugh at me cause i still wear baby clothes.

Sigh, one man's Bape is perhaps another man's poison.

I'm leaving, but images will soon come up. So please, hold your breath :D

1 comment:

rusty said...

hi zim.
why am i stupid rusty?
maybe i shud link UU as
"stupid deserting zim"


..time doesnt heal all wounds.